Bungalows are small houses that are built in a row on a plot of land. They're often found in tropical countries, where they provide shelter for families and guests.

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If you're looking for a place to stay in Goa, India, we've got you covered. Our site offers an easy search function so you can find properties based on location, price, number of bedrooms, and other criteria.

The word "bungalow" comes from the Hindi language, which means "house." In India, bungalows were originally used as guesthouses for travelers who stayed at hotels. Today, bungalows are still popular in India, but they've become increasingly popular around the world.

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Window Shop Goa also offer a map feature that will help you locate properties near where you want to go. And if you need some inspiration, we've included a list of popular places to visit in Goa.

View detailed information about each listing.

If you're looking for a place to stay while visiting Goa, then you should check out our bungalow listings. Our site offers a wide variety of options, so you'll find something that suits your needs.

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We've made it easy for you to contact the seller directly by adding a "Contact Seller" button next to every listing. Simply click on the button to send an email with your questions or concerns.